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(Cuplikan delapan segmen percakapan dengan Wellsite/Operation Geologist yang kontraknya terpaksa harus diputus karena krisis harga minyak yang diperkirakan menerus sepanjang 2020.)

[5/7, 15:27] The OPS GEO: Hello bro

[5/7, 15:28] The OPS GEO: Hope all is Good out there.

[5/6, 11:51] The OPS GEO: Have a small Question. What is the oilprice cutoff for the company to resume drilling operations.

[5/7, 15:29] Andang BACHTIAR: Hi Kay,

I am in office now.

Looks like the assumption is USD40/bbl. But if its still below that, we might also still be pushed to drill while also keep on lowering the ops cost

[5/7, 15:30] The OPS GEO: Ah Ok so could be back to ops after the summer??

[5/7, 15:32] Andang BACHTIAR: Fall maybe

[5/7, 15:35] The OPS GEO: I hope they will keep July -August or later September to restart. I'm trying to plan for next months . Either will start to knock on some doors looking for jobs or wait the company decison. I know that you are well placed to advice me big brother. I still have stuff there in the field .

[5/11, 14:08] The OPS GEO: Morning dear Andang

[5/11, 14:08] The OPS GEO: How things out there in France . I presume you back to office work.

[5/11, 14:17] Andang BACHTIAR: Yes I am in the office now, but only during this afternoon.. in the morning I am doing lots of online meeting with Indonesia from my apartment. How are you doing there

[5/11, 14:18] The OPS GEO: Glad to hear that you are doing Good. Nothing special for me. I'm at home looking forward for any news from the company. If they will not need me anymore I will try to look for some opportunities elsewhere.

[5/14, 11:22] The OPS GEO: Hello brother. I've heard some talks that could be no drilling this year. Is that true?

[5/14, 12:35] Andang BACHTIAR: Until today we are still aiming to drill development wells (prod and injector) if the double jeopardy of pandemic and oil price drop are over.... we are still working for drilling loc candidates.... I havent heard the opposite yet.

[5/14, 12:38] The OPS GEO: Thank you. So could be summer inchallah🙏

[5/14, 12:38] The OPS GEO: I mean after summer ( September)

[5/18, 15:00] The OPS GEO: Hello brother

[5/18, 15:00] The OPS GEO: How are u today.

[5/18, 19:06] Andang BACHTIAR: Hi Kay, I am fine. Just finished with some works and meetings in office. Ready to go back home.

[5/18, 19:09] Andang BACHTIAR: Until today I havent really heard about the exact time we are going to drill again. Many uncertainties I guess. Will keep on monitoring the situation outside and the decision of the management here.

[5/18, 19:16] The OPS GEO: Yes. We hope hearing good news . The oil price is slightly going up. I hope by next month it will go beyond 40st $

[5/22, 16:27] The OPS GEO: Hello Dear Andang

[5/22, 16:38] The OPS GEO: How are you doing big brother

[5/22, 16:39] The OPS GEO: How is the situation in France. Hope getting better. Here in my country we will finish partial lockdown

[5/22, 16:39] Andang BACHTIAR: Hi Kay... I am fine. Preparing to finish Ramadhan with Ied Fitr festive lockdown in apt (doing some cooking)

[5/22, 16:40] The OPS GEO: Good. Last time I thought that I will be returning to the field so that I can bring you some local gateau country.

[5/22, 16:41] The OPS GEO: But unfortunately wasn't the case. May be one day we will meet again and give you this😁

[5/22, 16:42] The OPS GEO: May allah bless you and all the familly. Allah will.inchallah accept your fasting and wish you a happy Mubarak ledelfitr

[5/24, 13:58] The OPS GEO: Hello Andang

[5/24, 13:58] The OPS GEO: Aid Mubarak

[5/24, 13:58] The OPS GEO: Brother

[5/24, 14:05] Andang BACHTIAR: Thank you so much for the Eid Greeting Kay....

It is only me now who *survive* from exhaustment of preparing the festive last night (every body helped in the kitchen cooking several in apt) and continued by the ied praying and all the online gathering with different families from morning until just now. So every body is sleeping now, except me. But it is indeed a very impressive and memorable ied fitr. There are still 2 guests in my apt now, students from Indonesia who seek for some silaturahm and celebrate together eating lunch with me here in Paris.

Hope you are also OK there in your country. Already lift up lockdown there?

[5/24, 14:09] The OPS GEO: Great to hear that you are enjoying Eid elfutr with familly.

Yes lock down is lifted up here as we are in almost 0 cases for more than a week now. Will.have total left up of lock down by June 5th.

I'm doing ok . To be honest I will be preparing to look for some job. As seems stuff in the field will take some time to be resumed. So I'm trying to find some other stuff but it's difficult now days.

Again best wishes and try to take some rest.

[5/24, 14:11] The OPS GEO: Also I hope that you guys keep considering me if something came or if ops resume. I'm open for a permanent position if they propose that to me.

[5/24, 14:17] Andang BACHTIAR: When things back to normal, we need people like you to take care of operational (wellsite) geology matters for exploration programs that I planned for sure.

[5/24, 14:20] The OPS GEO: Thank you brother. I look forward to work again together. You are a great personal and professional that I've honored to work with. We dont meet persons like you every time.

You are a big brother for me. With or without work. I've gained from my last experience great friendship with people that I admire.

[5/27, 13:27] The OPS GEO: Hello

[5/27, 13:28] The OPS GEO: Morning Andang

[5/27, 13:28] The OPS GEO: I.suppose that you back to office now.

[5/27, 13:28] The OPS GEO: How things are going

[5/27, 13:30] The OPS GEO: Hope life is a bit open after the partial lifting of the lock down.

[5/28, 21:42] Andang BACHTIAR: Hi Kay.

Yesterday and today are very hectic days. I have got 4 online meetings in a row since 10AM every day.

Paris is starting the business in many places... Sicily also already open up,... but the explorations still gloomy. Two of my meetings today were related with companies offering their blocks to us ... everybody need to survive with fresh cash now .. including oil and gas company....

[5/28, 21:51] The OPS GEO: Yes. Good luck. Still no clear plan for resuming ops in the field then.

[6/2, 17:53] The OPS GEO: Hello Andang

[6/2, 17:53] The OPS GEO: Hope you are doing well

[6/2, 17:54] The OPS GEO: I'm happy to see oil price @ 40USD . I hope by the the end of the summer it will reach 50USD

[6/3, 17:12] Andang BACHTIAR: Hi Kay, in todays Management Committee meeting the CEO clarified that we will not drill any well any where until end of 2020, eventhough the oil price going up to 50 again. We will start to drill in 2021 if and only if we already have a long enough list of well candidates to drill both Development and Exploration, so that we won't be driven by rig schedule like the previous years but more driven by the well schedule!

[6/3, 17:14] Andang BACHTIAR: Looks like in terms of balance sheet, many companies (including ours) are now in a real surviving mode and have to cut all the investment program of 2020 that will not pay back in a year ... including drilling.

[6/3, 17:15] The OPS GEO: Ah ok. So it's clear now that the company is in a balancing mode. So no drilling in the rest of 2020.

Its unfortunate to hear indeed.

Thank you Andang

[6/3, 17:18] Andang BACHTIAR: I am really sorry to inform you that Kay, I wish you luck with others for the rest of 2020. Keep in touch.


(Eksperimen Anak Muda, Intervensi Orang Tua)

